Sunday, January 07, 2007

Jo's present that I 'bought' her. She phoned me from the shops few days before Christmas and said that she had seen a lovely bit of jewellry that she'd love for Christmas and could she buy it. How much I said? $215 for silver version and $1400 for gold. You know, I've always been a fan of silver and she said she liked the silver one best. Phew!. So she bought it, had it wrapped and put it under the tree. This was the first time I had seen it. Its a watering can on a chain. The original plan was for me to go out and buy some jewellry but I argued that it was no good me choosing anything cos I have no idea what she'd like. We compromised and agreed that me and Laura would go out and buy something and I would be guided by Laura's judgement. Then Laura went and broke her toes! Back to plan A and Jo bought her own :) Posted by Picasa

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