Sunday, January 07, 2007

New Year's Eve 2006

New Years Eve sitting on the grass watching a live band. We ummed and arred about going to the Mount for new Year's Eve but made the decision at the last minute to go. We were on our way there when we noticed the 'Bikini Bus'. Its a park'n'ride idea from about a mile outside of town. The traffic last year on NY's eve was horrendous and so we gave the bus a go. They run every 15 mins on a continual loop and were running until 3am NY's day. We weren't intending to stay out that long. 9pm would have done me. Jo had plans to stay out longer. Bus was great and go us closer into town than we would have done with a car because of all the road closures which meant that Laura had less to walk. I still ended up having to give her a piggyback for some of the walk. She still hasn't headed my advice about giving up eating so she'd be lighter to carry. I'm just thankful its Laura that's broke her toes.

Early on in the evening there are mainly families and older people (I fit in both categories) in the area because there's an alcohol ban around the Mount area. Special compounds are set up further up the coast for those that want to drink. They then bus these people into the Mount area at about 11.30pm ready for the big midnight moment and all the fireworks. I didn't fancy hanging around for this. Jo wanted to. Kids weren't too bothered. There were a number of fireworks set off around the area during the night. Some even from people's balconies that look over the beach. Adam was impressed with these.

It got to about 10pm and then it rained. None of us had raingear and so we decided to get home. Waited for the Bikini Bus and saw the busloads of 'young people' being herded into the mount area. I was glad to be going home. Heard later that there were over 100 arrests on the night. Don't think anything serious. Just p!$$ed up kids clashing. Posted by Picasa

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