Saturday, January 27, 2007

Playground in Warkworth. Really nice town. Reminded us of Maldon.

River bank at Warkworth. It was at this point that I revealed my master retirement plan to Jo. It involved selling up, buying a boat (similar to the one in background) and sailing around the world. She wasn't impressed.

Last stop before hitting Auckland. Orewa, and another chance for the kids to check out the playgrounds. Wonder how old they'll be before this stops being an option. Thats Jo in the foreground sitting on the rock watching them . We managed about 20 minutes of relaxation time reading our books. Well it saves talking to each other.

We headed off to Auckland, met Albert and Brenda and went to Valentines (where else?) for a meal before driving back to Tauranga. My camera battery went after the shot above and so I didn't manage to get any pics but there are some on Jo's camera phone. Will update later with pics of Albert and Brenda.

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