Sunday, January 07, 2007

Port of Tauranga Half Ironman

This picture is out of order with the main story but I wanted it to 'head' the blog for a little while. It's a picture I have had in my head for ages now and it was a proud moment to do it for real. Love this photo :)

At this point I'd like to thank my sponsors ..... all four of them. Michelle (my mate), Gaynor (Jo's mate) and both their mums :)

My times were:

2k swim - 43:57
90k bike - 3:23:21
21k run - 2:41:41
transition times - 11:24
Total 7:00:23


Anonymous said...

Well done, you should be very proud of yourself.

Anonymous said...

I did a 1.5 k run and 300m swim in 19mins. do you think i'm on target for the 7hrs next year!!!
Well done and keep up that training. see you next week
the skis

Mike said...

Well done Ava! Those times look really good :)

I reckon your dad should do it with me next year.


p.s. are you bringing your Fifi videos (or perhaps ging gong gary) next week?

Anonymous said...

Yes i can bring FiFi or would your prefer the wiggles ;-)

Mike said...

Adam don't care but me, Jo and Laura definitely want FiFi ..... oh hold on Adam now also wants FiFi ...... Jo said 5 old men in skivvies doesn't do it for her :) ..... not that FiFi does of course