Friday, April 06, 2007

Sad Blog Entry (aint they all?)

Recy to Rotorua to look at the marathon route

I have read and been told so much about the Rotorua marathon route that I had to go take a look to see for myself. I almost put it off thinking that not knowing how hilly the course was might be better but my curiosity got the better of me. Too late to do anything about it though cos there's only 1 week of training left and then a 3 week taper so getting hill work in isn't going to be feasable .... despite Jo (my new coach apparently) urging me to go out and 'run up and down Fraser Street hills'. She's getting worried now because I haven't got any life insurance but I'm sure I'll be OK.

I was originally going to bike the course but energy levels are low at the moment and so packed everyone in the car and off we went. Jo was in charge of the camera and given the task of 'capturing the route' for me to analyse and help put together my race plan.

To be honest the hills didn't scare me as much as I thought they would. They are not steep BUT do go on forever. I only had to use 3rd gear once on one of the later hills but we do have a shopping trolley for a car and there were four of us in there. I'm sure they will seem steeper after 20k running so I am not being complacent about them but I am not as worried as I was. The hills in my head were much steeper.

The good news is that the last say 10k is totally flat .... as it seems the first part of the run is. I will 'embrace' the hills in the knowledge that once that 10k or so is over its all downhill (well flat at least) from there.

The hills climb gradually .....

I'll use the downhill bit here to get a 'runup' for the hill. Sure that'll work.

I'll try and take as much 'inspirational energy' from the lake as I can.

Almost embarrased to put this on here as evidence of a hill ....

Nice shot of the wipers Jo.

I don't think I'll be able to use the excuse of the hills for a slow time so I'd better beat 5 hours :)

1 comment:

Kate said...

Oh- I'm gettng scared (and excited) now! Thanks for sharing the pics- last time I was in Rotorua I hadn't made my mind up yet, so have been blissfully ignorant!