Thursday, December 20, 2007

Swim Series Race 1

Tonight was the first 'race' in the Pilot Bay Swim Series. There's 3 races over the next 3 weeks - 2 of 1500m and then the last one is 2k. The water was so calm and I looked forward to posting a good time to give me confidence for the triathlon.

Didn't exactly go to plan. Wasn't all bad though as Jo got some good photos. She got her own back for me constantly taking pictures of her and the kids.

Keeping the socks on helps me get the wetsuit on. I do take them off for the swim though.

Rare occurance of me sprinting from the sea after a swim ...... but this was just after a warm up. It was freeeezing in there. Much warmer few weeks back during the Tinman.

Adam gets a bit bored watching me swim but he does like supporting me ... I think!

Getting ready to go. It was at this point that an octopus came up to the edge. Freaky! Fairly big one as well ... bout 2 foot long with tentacles - head the size of a football.

Why do they chose such girlie colours for the swim hats. Purple is not my colour! :)
Its not even that they are easy to see in the water.

Off we go. I started (and finished) at the back

Laura in Lennon pose

I pray for a calm sea like this for the Half Ironman. The race briefing on the internet says that a cruise ship will be coming into the Bay at 7:15am race morning. Swim starts at 6:30. The briefing says the ship 'may cause excessive waves' ... you think!!! :(

coming out of the water

I used the opportunity to practice getting the wetsuit off as I come out of the water. Adam looks on as I finish with a sort of sprint up the beach.

Even calmer when we finished.

So it was a nice relaxing swim and I must admit I did not push it at all BUT I finished with a time of 44:30.

Sh!T .... for 1500m that equates to an hour 2k. I can't afford an hour in the swim if I'm gonna go Sub6! :(

I have a 20min bike/21k run tomorrow morning. Up at 5:45am to get back for Jo to go out at 9:30am. I just hope that goes a bit better :(

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Great pix - save some energy for the 'big one'